Carmeuse Lime

Carmeuse Lime is located on Gary’s western Lake Michigan shoreline at Buffington Harbor.  The company receives shiploads of limestone which are processed at high temperatures to make a product that is utilized in many applications including reducing impurities in steel.  

Due to its location on Lake Michigan and close proximity to the environmental justice communities of Gary and East Chicago it is important that Carmeuse meets the highest possible standards of environmental compliance.

Carmeuse has hired a new environmental specialist and is implementing a plantwide environmental monitoring system.  In addition, on recommendations by GARD, plant management is now working with local staff of the Wildlife Habitat Council and the U.S. Forest Service to implement a tree planting program to begin greening their plant property.  Trees can serve to improve both air and water quality and are the first step in applying natural solutions to help improve environmental conditions at the Carmeuse property.

Carmeuse Fact Sheet